Law Financial

3139 days ago

EXPLOSIVE EXCLUSIVE: Why the £10 million claim by Worthington on Rangers is bogus and how Doug Ware tried to line his pockets with Rangers cash

One of the joys of being in London is that folks come to see me from the Square Mile bearing documents of great interest. I shall not name my City Source. But I have obtained documents showing why the £10 million claim by Law Financial against Rangers (RFC) is utterly bogus, that Worthington (WRN) knows it is bogus and how Worthington boss Doug Ware tried to line his own pockets in an obscene fashion at the expense of Worthington going behind the back of poor Aiden Earley and Craig Whyte.


3144 days ago

Worthington - yet more questions raised by Companies House Filings

Hat tip to one of our readers who I know works in the small cap area and thus knows his onions for today's bit of Sherlocking on Worthington (WRN). For any Worthington investors this is yet another Red Flag 'fest. For any Rangers (RFC) fans scared that the claims of Law Financial & Craig Whyte may make against the club have any grounds, read this and LOL.  Enjoy. 


3146 days ago

Worthington & Law Financial to face first strike off notice in 5 days - Reader Post of the day

A cracking entry from the comments section - this has to be reader post of the day. It seems that Worthington PLC (WRN) is just five days away from its first notice of being struck off for failing to file documents at Companies House. Also up for strike off is Law Financial which is trying to extract money from Rangers (#RFC) but will clearly fail if this is an indication of how organised it is This cracking post reads:


3167 days ago

Craig Whyte in custody, Worthington claims against Rangers now surely worthless

A day of drama in the soap opera Rangers FC (RFC) – a nest of vipers, saw Charles Green arrested and Craig Whyte re-arrested, the latter now held in custody. This surely makes the Law Financial/ Worthington (WRN) claim utterly worthless.
